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Beautiful Weekend!

It really was a great weekend!  On Friday, Riley spent the night at my parents’ house and I got to see the opening night of Tyler’s play!  He’s in a local theater production of Oliver!  He doesn’t have a major role in this one but he does get a lot of on-stage time.  It’s very exciting.  They’ve been working very hard for about 2 months now and it’s worth it.  The production is excellent!

Mom told me that she’s seen some definite improvements in Riley’s behavior since the last time she stayed overnight.  Not that she misbehaves much but her other behaviors… not wanting to talk to them or look at them, that sort of thing.  I have noticed in the last week or 2 that she will actually talk to my dad some.  Talking to men is a challenge for her.  But honestly, I’m in no big hurry to change that!

Then there was today.  As far as I’m concerned, today was just about perfect, weather-wise.  Upper 70s, clear skies, not very humid, nice breeze.  It was pretty much the first day in a long while where I didn’t feel like I was going to melt, the humidity was overwhelming, or we needed a boat to get around.  Riley decided that we just HAD to go for a walk on such a beautiful day!  Have I mentioned recently how smart she is? 🙂  So we went up to the local playground to hang out for a few minutes before walking home.  She’s not really interested in the playground much these days but she does love to walk there and back.

Both Friday night and Saturday I stayed up well past midnight to talk to Tyler about the performance.  I’m used to being in bed at 1030!  But he’s excited and on a major adrenaline high after the show so what’s a mom to do?  What with that and overindulging on pasta this evening I am so sleepy!  I should crash before I start rambling.  Or is it too late already? 🙂