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First day of school

What a successful first day!  Riley came in about 230 and seemed very excited about her day.  She didn’t say much, other than she brought me homework, but she was really happy.  It must have been a fun class 🙂  About an hour later Tyler came in.  I asked how his day was expecting a rather typical teenage grunt in response.  He gave me a very enthusiastic, “Yeah, it was really good!”  So, yay!  They won’t fight too hard tomorrow about going back again!

As for me?  Yeah, I had a pretty good first day of school, too.  I cleaned the refrigerator (mostly).  At least there’s no expired/bad food left in it and the main shelves are clean!  Worked on some crafts.  Did a couple things I’ve been putting off.  I hope tomorrow is just as productive!  Or even better!

Oh, but the excitement didn’t end when the kids got home!  No way!  Today was also the first day of training for the Special Olympics equestrian event!  Now THAT is amazing!  She hasn’t ridden in several months and she has a different instructor now so she had a leader and sidewalkers today.  It won’t be long before she’s independently riding like she was in the spring.  I’m so thrilled for her 😀

But for now, even though today was a really good day, I’m glad it’s coming to a close.  Because tomorrow is a brand new day with new adventures!  I’m excited to see what’s next!